Analyzing and Reading a Resume
- What are the patterns and keynotes of his or her overall experience?
- What specifically are the accomplishment patterns?
- Did they occur only in specific settings or points in his or her career?
- Are similar ones repeated?
- Are there career turns when new types of accomplishments show?
- Are the accomplishments solo, in a group or corporate?
- Are they strategic, technical, project-oriented, people-oriented, administrative?
- Are they unique or against the odds in any way?
- Are they “from the ground up” or in “turnaround situations”?
- Are they impressive?
- How relevant to your company and the specific job is the experience?
- What is the progression logic of his or her career choices?
Accomplishment Patterns, Career Arc, Clarity, Relevance
- How long are the tenures?
- Are there any idiosyncrasies or gaps?
- Is all the time accounted for?
- Are dates of graduation next to the degrees?
- Were there times when s/he was working more than one job?
- Has s/he combined more than one job under one heading?
- Is the overall presentation cogent, compelling?
- Is it well written, without misspellings, typos or over-inflated language?
- Has s/he done a good job of presenting him or herself fairly but assertively?
- Does it grab you initially?
- Is it well done graphically?
- Is it well organized?
- Is it accomplishment-oriented?
- Can you tell how s/he is positioning him or herself?
- Does some sense of individual style or personality come out?
- Is it succinct but thorough?
- Does s/he have experience at any of your competitors, or at companies where you know people who might be references?
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