What candidates may be trying to do in the interview
- Uncover your hot buttons
- Sell you on their suitability (with or without knowing the specs)
- Assess the opportunity
- Surface the company’s problems and / or your view of them
- Assert knowledge, skill sets or accomplishments on faith
- Pull power plays to gain control in the interview
- Ask more questions than answer
- Cover up their nervousness with stiffness or talkativeness
- Avoid answering questions with humor or another question
- Give you their life stories (with all the sordid details)
Keep your antennae up for…
- Cover up embarrassments or failures
- Make a weakness or failure seem like strength or success
- Name-drop or use mutual acquaintances as leverage
- Use friendliness or attractiveness as leverage
- Claim individual credit for a group’s or another’s success
- Close you on commitments
- Get you to offer them a job
- Get the highest possible $
- Inflate their statement of interest to get leverage elsewhere
- Make a genuinely good impression
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